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Kyna's Doll Box

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Kyna's Doll Box Empty Kyna's Doll Box

Post by Kyna Sun Nov 01, 2009 10:02 pm

World of Warcraft

Verdanthe, Draenei Shaman
Winterfresh, Night Elf Druid
Darthvee, Draenei Death Knight
Paxhumana, Human Mage

Tusknocker, Orc Hunter
Bodododoro, Troll Shaman
Jaderunner, Troll Rogue

(Many more, but not yet worthy of RP)


Join date : 2009-10-31

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Kyna's Doll Box Empty Re: Kyna's Doll Box

Post by Kyna Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:55 am

Full Name: Bodododoro

Nicknames: Bodo

Age: Unknown

Race: Troll

Class: Shaman

Talent: Restoration

Gender: Male

Appearance: Blue skin with bright orange braided mane. Tall and slouching like most troll men. Green painted nose and very long tusks. Generally clothed in robes and bedecked in jewelry.

Place of residence: Bodo has come to view Shadowprey Village in Desolace as a home away from home, though he keeps his hearthstone set to Dalaran for practicality.

Place of Birth: Darkspear Island

Religion/Philosophy: Worships the elements primarily, and makes occasional reference to the Old Gods but without any real conviction.

Occupation/ Hobbies: Bodododoro is a gatherer. He spends most of his time collecting minerals and skinning his kills which he then uses for trade. When out in the wilderness, he tends to live a hand-to-mouth existence.

Personality: Bodododoro is mad, but well-intentioned. He’s very gifted as a healer, but is prone to sudden and very random outbursts. He’s obsessive about finding minerals, to the point of challenging all rivals, regardless of faction, when a vein is found. Once mined, however, Bodo is quite willing to share his bounty with those he feels deserve it. He’s loath to see anything wasted and will stop and skin any carcass that crosses his path. Sometimes that gets him in to trouble, particularly with hunters that come back to retrieve their kills.

Bodo is generous with his aid, often lending a helping hand to even Alliance races, barring Night Elves. Like most Trolls, Bodododoro has a deep-seeded race hatred of the Night Elves. Additionally, Bododoro has no love for the Death Knights that have recently merged forces with the Horde. He does his best to avoid all Undead, but maintains a civil relationship with the Forsaken when the need arises. On the top of his list of foes, however, are all things insectoid, from the Silithid and Qiraji of Southern Kalimdor to the Nerubians of Northrend.

Bodododoro is for the most part a loner. He hides off in the wilderness, seeking his treasures, but he is not completely antisocial. He will always answer the call for aid from his fellow Horde members.

History: Bodododoro, then known simply as Dodoro, was among the Darkspears that followed Vol’jin after the Third War. Dodoro was later unfortunately hexed by the Witch Doctor Zalazane. He would have remained a near-mindless servant had he not been rescued by a small Troll war band that had raided the Echo Islands. Though he escaped and was healed by the shamans of Sen’jin Village, Zalazane’s voodoo would forever leave a dark stain on his mind. Grateful to his rescuers, Dodoro took up the path of the shaman, following the voice of the elements wherever they lead him.

It was in the Barrens that he met a female Troll Warrior named Kachasse. She was everything that he could have dreamed of in a mate. He redoubled his efforts at skinning and mining to woo her with tangible goods. Kachasse was particularly fond of metals, which she used to forge her own armor. Together they quested and it was during an attempt to stem the emergence of Silithid in the Southern Barrens that Kachasse fell in battle. Grief-stricken, Dodoro vowed vengeance against the insectoids. Feeling guilty that he should have been able to do more to heal his mortally wounded mate, he began to focus on the path of restoration, becoming an accomplished shaman healer.

For the years following her death, Dodoro wandered Azeroth, and later Outlands, mostly alone. He began to lose touch with reality, succumbing to the madness that had begun with Zalazane’s voodoo hex. He often mutters to himself in his own unintelligible language saying “bodo Dodoro,” so much so that everyone he meets takes that to be his full name. Most simply refer to him as Bodo, to which he readily responds.

These days he spends most of his time mining in Sholazar Basin or fishing in Desolace, one of his favorite retreats. Those that choose to call him friend generally know where to find him.

OOC: Bodododoro is my oldest living WoW character. His predecessor was Kachasse, but after dying several times to the Silithid in the Barrens coupled with a failed run as a tank in Wailing Caverns, I officially offed Kachasse and rerolled Dodoro the shaman. So that's where that history came into play, though altered a little for RP purposes. Later, when I transferred Dodoro to a new server, I was forced to rename him. Annoyed, I simply added Bodo to his name and it stuck. I figure no sane person would have a name like that, hence his IC madness. Bodo had been Elemental all the way up until my first raid in Zul'Aman when I was forced to respec as Resto when we lost a healer. And I've never looked back. Shaman healers ftw!


Join date : 2009-10-31

Posts : 41
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Kyna's Doll Box Empty Re: Kyna's Doll Box

Post by Kyna Fri Jan 01, 2010 5:16 pm

Full Name: Darthvee
Nicknames: Manservant
Age: ?
Race: Draenei
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall, blue-skinned and heavy-set with long white-gray hair and a mass of face tendrils.
Place of residence: Shattrath
Place of Birth: Exodar
Known Relatives: daughter Viveena, or rather, he THINKS Viveena is his long lost daughter…
Religion/Philosophy: Believes in the Light despite having been struck down and corrupted into a Death Knight.
Occupation: Death Knight but has sworn himself to protect and serve Viveena, a draenei mage he has come to believe is his long lost daughter.
Group/Guild affiliation:
Enemies: The Scourge, who else?
Likes: He likes to serve Viveena, and by extension, her comrades, often slaughtering pesky monsters, carting around extra gear or gathering materials for their crafts.
Weapons of Choice: Two-handed Axes in general.
Dislikes: He won’t tolerate an ill word against his mistress, Viveena, nor does he like being grouped with the likes of other Death Knights. He wants no affiliation with the Ebon Blade.
Hobbies: Mining. He’s fascinated by minerals and gems, plus his findings help sponsor his mistress’s adventuring habits.
Personality: Darthvee is single-mindedly intent upon resuming a normal life. He has developed a fierce protective bond to a young Draenei mage and her companions. He’s loyal to a fault and is very accepting of being treated as a lowly servant by them. In a small way he feels that by dedicating himself in service to Viveena that he is working to atone for his sins in the service of the Lich King. Darthvee would give anything to be a Paladin again, but he has to admit that his abilities as a Death Knight have their uses. He wants nothing to do with the Ebon Blades and is not driven by revenge like others of his order. He cares little for politics and only resents the Horde on the basis that they pose a threat to the safety of his mistress.
History: Darthvee was born and raised a defender of the Light aboard the Exodar during its long trek to Azeroth. He had a family, especially a daughter named Veena whom he doted upon. When the Exodar crashed he was separated from his kin but duty called as the Draenei joined the fight against the Scourge in Azeroth. He fell in battle and was reanimated as a Death Knight in service to the Lich King. After the battle of Light’s Hope Chapel he was freed from the will of the Lich and for a time followed Darion Mograine and the Knights of the Ebon Blade.
By sheer luck, he encountered a Night Elf druid while deep in his cups at the Blue Recluse in Stormwind. She politely listened to his story, touched by his obvious remorse. When he spoke of his daughter, Veena, the elf commented that she knew a young Draenei mage by the name Viveena. Hope gave new life to Darthvee and he begged the druid to introduce him to her friend. When Darthvee set eyes upon Viveena, paternal love swelled within his bosom and he vowed his unyielding devotion and service to the dumbstruck mage, much to the amusement of her companions. Despite Viveena’s adamant protests that Darthvee was in no way related to her, the Death Knight refused to listen to reason and asserted himself as her constant shadow.
Eventually Viveena, affectionately called Vee by her friends, relented and accepted Darthvee’s presence on the condition that he act solely as her manservant and refrain from claiming paternal status in public. Darthvee accepted his new role with relish. After a while, Viveena had to admit that having a powerful Death Knight as a personal attendant and protector was pretty useful.


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Posts : 41
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