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Another new face

Lucian 'The Wolf' Harth
Fate Flyer
Kathryn Lacey
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Another new face Empty Another new face

Post by FirEdhel Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:16 pm

Hey everyone. Well, I am here on a surprising invitation and glad for it. It's really refreshing finding a community of advanced role players since the older sites seem to be getting run over by younger role players who are just starting out.

A little bit about me, I guess. I am finishing up art school at the moment, majoring in Media Arts and Animation. Creativity is basically my life, one that I enjoy immensely. Music also carries a big part of my life as I am constantly listening to it. Often times it's the only thing that gets me to sit down and concentrate on what I am doing. Bands from Finland and Sweden are by far my favorite Smile

English is my second language, Russian being the first. Due to this I didn't actually get into writing until after seventh grade. Around that time I developed an interest in creating characters and stories and soon after began role playing. It's been several years since then and I've had chances to try out a wide range of role playing styles and genres. My favorite by far are fantasy-based worlds. I am not strict about whether it is a modern or a medieval setting but my preferences do fluctuate between the two over extended amounts of time. I do enjoy a purely modern realistic role play at times as well and like romance in moderation. A role play tends to get dull for me without any conflicts.

Speaking of which... My characters do tend to be dramatic, overly so at times, and I do love dramatic role plays. I'm no drama queen in real life. Maybe that's just my subconsciousness trying to rid itself of some nagging pent up energy, who knows? I do carry a wide range of styles as far as characters go, though. I love my vampires and powerful demons but also have a variety of just your plain interesting humans. I did play an elf once upon a time (The Tolkien kind, not the Santa kind) and have been wondering if I shouldn't try and bring her back. There's also a seer, a pixie, a shadow-weaver, you get the jist of it. There's plenty to chose from and I'm always up for creating new characters. Over-all, though, I love to explore the characters that I play. I enjoy exploring the depths of a psyche and mind, how certain things affect certain characters and situations. Due to this, some of my creations would not only be considered insane but just outright evil. They're not all bad, though Smile

Well, that's enough out of me. I'm looking forward to joining some role plays on here and hopefully creating some great stories. I'm just about always up for a role play so let me know if you're ever in need of a player.

Join date : 2009-06-13

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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by Fluff Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:33 pm

Sorry, we don't do Tolkien elves here. Santa's workshop only. Here's your hat with the bell on the end, and here's your pointy shoes. Get to work on that choo-choo train, bitch!

You would love my characters. We have very similar tastes. Now go join Lost Vegas. After that, we can discuss some Sword'n'Sorcery.

Oh, by the way, I'm Fluff. I am badass and adorable, and every single woman here loves me, because of the fluffiness. I'm also a sexy kiwi, did you know that? I've also been described as "tasty," which I am particularly proud of. This is Fate, she's my internet mommy, and this is Kathryn, my internet weird-big-sister, and this is Eternity, my internet whatever-the-hell-our-weird-flirtatious-relationship-is-called, and this is Iggy, my internet owner and catfish-provider.

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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by Twoface_ecafowT Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:43 pm

Nice to meet you and welcome to the site! I just joined a few days ago and I must say I'm extremely impressed. We sound like we have very similar tastes in RP and if that's the case then I think you'll fit in perfectly. I'm looking forward to seeing what you can bring to the table and hopefully we'll get a chance to write together soon. See ya around!

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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by Kathryn Lacey Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:55 pm

Hello! I'm the weird-big-sister about whom Fluffy-kins was speaking.

Welcome to FoG! I hope you enjoy it here.

Kathryn Lacey
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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by Guest Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:40 pm

Ninja Disappear


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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by Fate Flyer Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:03 pm

Hello, FirEdhel. :]

First of all, I must say I am excited meet someone from Russia! I've gone to school with a couple of people from the frigid country I believe, though I didn't personally know them, but I have not had the pleasure of meeting anyone from the country I wish I knew more about online. Laughing Are you still living there, or are you in the States now?

I think it's fun to be able to explore a wide-range of character personalities in role-plays. After all, what fun is it if you only get to play as those that most closely resemble yourself? I'm sure most would agree too that playing as different types of people helps improve your writing as well. So, it's a win-win. Smile

You're in Media Arts and Animation? We have a major called that at the school I go to (the Illinois Institute of Art in Schaumburg). I'm in the Game Design field though. I really admire how visual animation majors are, as you can imagine how things move and should look in your head for animating them. I wish I could do that.

Well, welcome to FOG, and feel free to ask me - or any of the other moderators - if you have any questions! Hope you enjoy it here.
Fate Flyer
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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by FirEdhel Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:07 pm

Thanks, guys! It's nice to meet you all. I do not think that Santa would like me very much Laughing I'll have to check out that role play, though Smile I've been browsing a little and I'm getting excited to join in the role plays here and bring some of mine up for consideration as well.

@ Fate Foretold: I love you! I'm also at an art institute (The New England Institute of Art) and it is really great - albeit challenging. There are a lot of people in our major who want to just do game design when they graduate. I'm leaning more to doing 3D and visual effects for live action films, though. Hence Weta Digital. And yeah, I'm in the States now. Been here for half of my life, actually. Russia is a really nice country. I'm looking forward to visiting there again. Maybe next summer since I will be out of school by then Smile

Join date : 2009-06-13

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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by Drako11 Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:34 pm

WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME!! Pirate Captain I'm Drako11 your friendly neighborhood pirate. lol Anywho welcome to FOG! That's cool that you can speak Russian and English! I've always wanted to leanr another language. Anywho I am sure your characters are great, mine are often over dramatic as well it is more fun that way. So ya see ya around!

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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by Lucian 'The Wolf' Harth Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:43 pm

Welcome to the site, I look forward to seeing you around.
Lucian 'The Wolf' Harth
Lucian 'The Wolf' Harth

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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by Fate Flyer Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:43 pm

FirEdhel wrote:@ Fate Foretold: I love you! I'm also at an art institute (The New England Institute of Art) and it is really great - albeit challenging. There are a lot of people in our major who want to just do game design when they graduate. I'm leaning more to doing 3D and visual effects for live action films, though. Hence Weta Digital. And yeah, I'm in the States now. Been here for half of my life, actually. Russia is a really nice country. I'm looking forward to visiting there again. Maybe next summer since I will be out of school by then Smile
Aw, awesome!! Very Happy I wondered if there was a chance you were going to one of the Art Institutes, lol. That's really cool. That's really cool that you're doing 3D stuff too, though I've not had the privilege of working with visual effects. I think that would be really fun.

That's really neat that you've lived here now for half your life. ^_^

Oh, and hey, what was I saying?? I totally forgot, but I do know a boy from Russia from my school pretty well (I just forgot he was Russian). His name is Gene, and I guess he was born not far from Chernobyl after it exploded. Shocked I asked him to speak Russian once, and it's an incredibly cool language! I love how it sounds, and I adore the accents too (although, he doesn't have one, as he came over to America as a baby). I have to ask -- was it hard for you to learn English? Russian writing looks so very different than English. I'd imagine it'd be difficult.
Fate Flyer
Fate Flyer
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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by Fluff Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:33 am

I only know one Russian here in Glasgow, and he's got the accent of a Glaswegian NED. (Literally: Non-Educated Delinquent.) It's pretty hilarious, although his "Russian" accent sounds more like Borat. Great success!

Also, pirates are gay. Ninjas are awesome.

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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by FirEdhel Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:00 pm

I look forward to seeing you guys around as well Smile Dramatic characters are so much fun. These past couple of weeks, for some reason, pirates keep cropping up everywhere, making me want to watch "Pirates of the Caribbean" again Laughing It's cool, though, I love 'em Smile

And it wasn't as difficult learning English as it would seem since I was still pretty young. I started learning it in 5th grade when I was still in Russia and it was absolute gibberish to me, really hard to figure out. Once I came here and spent about a year constantly hearing it and being tutored I picked up on it and started talking pretty quickly. It's probably the best way to learn any language, to just be around it for a while. From what I've heard, I guess it's harder to learn Russian as a second language than it is to learn English.

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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by Fate Flyer Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:03 pm

Ahh, yeah, actually living here and hearing the language on a regular basis would be a really great way to pick up on it. I was told that too back when I was taking German. I'm kind of curious what it would be like to learn Russian. :]
Fate Flyer
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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by Igraine Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:38 pm

It is wonderful to have you, FirEdhel, and welcome to FOG. I am really looking forward to reading your roleplays and writings. Besides, without a bit of drama, where's the fun? Boogie

Oh, and yes, if you were wondering - that was me, the Iggers who is the proud internet owner and catfish supplier of my precious, adorable Fluffy.

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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by Eternity Sun Jun 14, 2009 2:34 pm

Hey, and welcome!

You sound very interesting, and although I'm kind of braindead right now, I can't wait to see you around the forums! Later!
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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by Kathryn Lacey Sun Jun 14, 2009 4:24 pm

I heard Icelandic is actually like... in the top five hardest second languages to learn. English is in the top ten or top fifteen, though. I wouldn't be surprised if Russian was closer to Icelandic difficulty than English, though.

Also, it's a lot easier for children to learn a second language than an adult, I've heard.

Kathryn Lacey
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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by Fluff Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:24 pm

If we haven't already made this clear to you, Firry, you're awesome.

And so is Iggy. *huggles Iggy*

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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by Tempest Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:36 pm

Welcome to FOG! Feel free to address myself or the staff on any questions you might have.

Enjoy yourself here! Smile
Spectral Light
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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by Lucian 'The Wolf' Harth Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:02 am

Welcome to the site. I look forward to seeing you around.
Lucian 'The Wolf' Harth
Lucian 'The Wolf' Harth

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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by FirEdhel Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:33 am

Kathryn Lacey wrote:I heard Icelandic is actually like... in the top five hardest second languages to learn. English is in the top ten or top fifteen, though. I wouldn't be surprised if Russian was closer to Icelandic difficulty than English, though.

Really? Hm... Now I wonder what the hardest one is on the list. I've been curious about learning Finnish for a little while. I hear it's fairly complex, though.

Children tend to pick up on information better than adults in general from my understanding so you're right about that. Oh, and thanks again for the welcome, guys Very Happy

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Another new face Empty Re: Another new face

Post by Gunneh Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:55 am

Welcome to FoG! Enjoy your stay Wink

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